PinnedMatthew PhilIF IT IS WORTH IT MEASURE ITMeasurement is all about documenting and tracking your progress, Without measurement then we can not know if we have growth. It shows the…Jun 12, 2023Jun 12, 2023
PinnedMatthew PhilRESPONSE TO ABILITY (RESPONSIBILITY)You have heard the famous phrases ' Leave the world a better place because you lived in it' or ‘ You have a responsibility to make this…Sep 27, 2022Sep 27, 2022
PinnedMatthew PhilCAN YOU LIVE IT?The Free-solo documentary challenged me on how far am I willing to go to achieve my goals and what the human-being can achieve if well…Sep 17, 2022Sep 17, 2022
PinnedMatthew PhilTHE HEARTBEAT OF AFRICA: THE- AFRICAN DRUMLet me start painting this canvas with a piece that inspired it all . However this is just part of the poem . The sound of the African drum…Sep 9, 2022Sep 9, 2022
Matthew PhilRIPPLE EFFECTS & ECHOESLeaving a legacy is like tossing a rock into a pond. There’s an initial splash followed by ripple effects that continue on once the rock…Mar 15, 2023Mar 15, 2023